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Understanding Garden Design Concepts

Gardens with and without flowers date back to the dawn of civilization. garden
Today's modern resources have opened up many new ideas for creating great gardens.

For instance, your garden design could have concrete brick known as pavers and vinyl fencing.

This is an easy way to create a beautiful garden today, whereas these items were not available years ago.

There are basically two basic types of a garden design today: formal gardens and informal gardens. Oftentimes it is difficult to distinguish between these types.

Understanding The Types of Informal Gardens

An informal garden is usually built within an existing canopy of trees. These trees incorporate a type of interlocking brick or pavers, which can be used to create paths through the garden. Open spaces can be filled with shade loving plants and ferns. A small pond or running stream can also be incorporated into the design as a finishing touch.

Woodland Garden

A Woodland garden also uses this design but there are several others that also fall within this classification also. These include gardens such as the container garden (here the ground soil is replaced with containers and large concrete or pottery vases due to a lack of space) and the wildflower garden (this garden contains wildflowers growing in a mixed disarray).

The Paradise Garden

Another great garden design is the Paradise garden, which comes from old Islamic tradition. This type of garden is built with one purpose in mind, and that is to stimulate all five of our senses. For instance, you will smell the sweet flowers, hear the streams or small waterfalls, see the bright colors, eat the berries or fruits and feel the plants' and stones' texture.


At first glance, you might also think that an Oriental garden design is informal, but this is not true. This garden is actually very formal and uses the spatial arrangement of elements purposefully. As such, the Oriental garden really is the epitome of elegance and style. In this garden everything has meaning and symbolism. The mixture of plants, stones and water is carefully chosen as to understate the various themes that are within this garden. With this in mind, nothing is excessive, but everything should is found in natural proportion.


Of course, it is up to you to create the perfect garden for your personal enjoyment. It does not have to follow either a formal or informal garden design; it simply has to be something that you are happy with. All that is required is your hands, some work and your imagination.



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